The Effect of Using Different Styles of Javanese Language to Children’s Behavior

Giri Widodo S.B.
Student of English Education Study Program
State University of Yogyakarta


Indonesia has various kinds of local dialects, one of them are Javanese. Javanese is the language of the people in the central and eastern parts of the island of Java. In addition, there are also some Javanese speakers in the northern coast of western Java. There are three styles of Javanese speech; these are Ngoko, Madya and Krama. Each style has different characteristics and uses in society.

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The Legalization of Information and Electronic Transaction Bill (RUU ITE)

Nowadays, pornography is being a hot topic in Indonesia. The term of pornography vary and depends on people point of view. According to Oxford Learner’s Dictionary, pornography can be books, films, etc, that show sexual activity in order to cause sexual excitement. Based on “RUU Anti Pornografi dan Anti Pornoaksi”, pornography is a substance of media or communication tools which is made to extend the idea about sex by exploiting of sex and/ erotic of the body. In my opinion, therefore, pornography are media, it can be books, films, multimedia (CD, DVD, Internet) that show not only sexual activity, but also all the ideas about sex leading to sexual excitement. For example, a woman who wears opened-clothes so that her body appears so sexy, it can stimulate people, especially the men the negative thinking which cause sexual excitement and it is categorized as pornography.

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